The ELIDZ Science and Technology Park Head Elected as IASP Africa Division President SA Harvest Launches Virtual Food Pantry for GivingTuesday 2024 ESG and automation will define IT Asset Disposition in 2025: By Xperien CEO, Wale Arewa Tech lightens the load of high-risk road transport How South African Municipalities Can Turn Organic Waste into a Resource Fair Cape Dairies announces partnership with SA Harvest as exclusive beneficiary for product donations Why print is not dead and ‘paperless’ is a myth Forestry sector marks 15 years of transformation with inspiring stories and insightful discussions GoMetro awarded significant DfT grant to help Maritime Transport go electric Prioritising the right to food: Tackling malnutrition for a healthier South Africa Procurement Reforms Critical to Accelerating SA’s Renewable Energy Rollout A decade of Commitment: Scholarship Fund Enhances Access to Tertiary Education World Environmental Health Day: Community-Driven Waste Management for Cleaner, Proud SA Communities SA’s sluggish transition to low-emission vehicles a risk to GDP Nampak partners with Fibre Circle and Infinite Industries to transform recycled cartons into new roofing for the SPCA Ener-G-Africa Launches Larger Solar Panels and Upgrades Manufacturing Line Water conservation awareness is key to sustainability Winning the illegal dumping battle WHY SUPPORTING WOMEN IN BUSINESS MATTERS Aug 2024: Full article for websites & press office Microcare Welcomes New Public Procurement Bill: A Boost for Local Solar Manufacturing Industry and Sustainable Development Locally Made Solar Solutions Powering Education: Minister Unveils High-Tech Media Lab at Naledi Primary School MINISTER MEYER OPENS 9TH WORLD CONGRESS ON CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE Transforming Facility Management with Propelair’s Innovative Asset Tracking System GAUTENG’S WATER CRISIS: COLLABORATIVE SOLUTIONS NEEDED TO SECURE GAUTENG’S WATER FUTURE Kruger Untamed Introduces a Soulful Experience at Satara Plains Camp Reimagining water in mining and finding solutions for the environment and the people who live in it World Environment Day 2024: Waste management the key to land restoration Turning the tables on hunger Why using paper and wood products ‘saves’ trees Propelair’s in-house maintenance offering simplifies your facility management Promising SA-first solution to convert paper sludge, food and textile waste into bioethanol Six rural schools reap rewards from online maths and science support Agricultural programme sparks a bountiful harvest for emerging farmers Bold changes unfolding at Propelair SA needs ‘right-to-repair law’ to cut e-waste and grow economy Ancient Khoekhoen Artefact Unearthed at Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve Building Sustainable Infrastructure for Generations: A Unifying Path Forward Pathways to unlocking green jobs in South Africa Socio-economic KPI’s need to be included in corporate plans and shareholder compacts to progress sustainability in society Swiss government backs the extension of an NCPC-SA led industrial parks greening programme South Africans are urged to improve their recycling habits ahead of Global Recycling Day A circularity programme to unlock economic opportunities in North West MINTEK TO CELEBRATE 90 YEARS OF INNOVATION WITH AN INDUSTRY CONFERENCE ENVIROMALL LEADS THE WAY IN SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING WITH LAUNCH OF REVOLUTIONARY COMPOSTABLE PLA BAGS A Focus on Freedoms – An enabler to Sustainability in South Africa and Africa alike Water story in South Africa – an opinion from the SA Water Chamber CEO Measuring the Environmental Impact of Conventional Car Washes in South Africa How the circular economy mind-set can help secure a water positive future to benefit people and planet Alfa Laval and Bisviridi partner to revolutionize biofuel production from organic waste A little less conversation, a little more action, please Solar Panel and Battery Waste: Responsible actions today will safeguard tomorrow South African consumers prefer paper packaging, want more packaging return programmes CSIR’s biodegradable plastic bags win UNEP Award for environmental innovation The EV Opportunity: Putting the Spark Back in Auto Manufacturing Farming in South Africa is being hobbled by power cuts and poor roads. Rural towns are being hit hardest Pathways to unlocking green jobs in South Africa Unlocking South Africa’s Sustainable Future: A dive into ESG Investment and R, D&I as Catalysts for the implementation of the Paris Agreement It’s time to tackle fake e-waste vendors South African consumers have varied preferences when it comes to print and electronic communication, survey reveals WESSA, A Leading Environmental Nonprofit Partners with eWASA to Transform Waste Management and Foster Circular Economy in South Africa Belgium-South Africa collaboration Paves way for the JUST energy transition “Phantom Solutions” in the Energy Debate The Impact of Load Shedding on Waste Management in South Africa How to choose a storage battery Don’t Let Opportunities Go to Waste Hotel Verde’s Solar Panel Upgrade Revolutionises Energy Efficiency & Sustainability KINTO SA ANNOUNCES SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFERS ON VITZ This Youth Month nurture the game-changers of tomorrow with YES Harnessing the Power of Circular Business for an Abundant and Sustainable Africa Stopping agriculture from wasting away Oricol is excited to announce the opening of its new waste management facility in Cape Town. “Tap”ping into water registrations and recordkeeping South African Carbon Tax: rising to the challenge Improved sustainability through proper IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) Socio-economic growth – inhibited in an era of cognitive dissonance Urban Farming WORLD WATER DAY COCA-COLA AFFIRMS ITS COMMITMENT TO SOUTH AFRICA’S WATER FUTURE SABS cautions against unverified claims of degradable plastics uYilo e-Mobility Programme reaches 10-year milestone Engineering the Future – CESA’s annual Infrastructure Indaba unpacks professionalisation, transformation in SA’s built environment Service delivery – the tail wagging the dog! Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve’s Evolution: A Solar Event Geopolitics and Africa’s just transition SA CEMENT AND CONCRETE INDUSTRY TACKLING HUGE LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHALLENGES Fibre Circle partners with Trash4Treats initiative for a “school’s out” paper collection campaign South Africa’s food security conditions South African energy crisis: the practical implications of the government’s proposed interventions The Rise in Social Value Less energy, more efficiency: optimizing food operations SESA Project launches “Call for Entrepreneurs” to fund sustainable energy solutions AMAZI and Woolworths Collaborate For The Good of The Beauty Industry Energy efficiency: the key to sustainable wastewater infrastructure Proactive CEO Prejay Lalla spearheads sustainability in Kansai Plascon operating costs. Futuregrowth bets on insect protein producer Inseco Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) celebrating 70 years of engineering excellence in 2022. Henley Business School Africa Applies For Carbon Credits Certificate First electric minibus taxi coming to South Africa – project team aims to accelerate green mobility adoption Electric vehicle sales breaking records in 2021, four times 2019 market share Sri Lanka Shows the Folly of Fringe Theories Small Steps – Big Impact SADC learning valuable lessons on sustainable groundwater management Misrepresentation of professional qualifications and a category of registration How a visionary in Rwanda is growing potatoes in the air Considering climate change in tailings dam design uYilo eMobility Programme awarded European Union project funding International call for a mature, flourishing & equitable EV charging ecosystem Water risk uncertainty necessitates predictions, but also flexibility Why ESG underpins Africa’s agricultural prospects The African Union should up its engagements as the UN Security Council takes the lead on maritime security debates. Private sector must embrace opportunity to rebuild and rejuvenate after riots Sustainability champions feature in ‘Making Waves’ fishing industry campaign Navigating beyond gender in the maritime sector WIMAFRICA Gets UN ECOSOC Special Consultative Status Ocean-impact leaders convene in Cape Town and online for Ocean Innovation Africa Keeping it local: lessons learned and how we make the most of South Africa’s solar PV sector. A fresh approach to green building Branson Centre and Undp aim to enable entrepreneurs with new food innovation challenge Electric Mobility development funding call for proposals IEE Project AEE Award media release 15 October 2020 IEE fact sheet – 15 October 2020 Megapipes Solutions brings sustainable sanitation to Kenya Closed loop spend management, the key to balancing the need for immediate profitability with sustainable growth Old Mutual Infrastructure Fund Urges S. Africa to Focus on Power uYilo eMobility Programme forms part of the Global Sustainable Mobility Partnership (GSMP) Vodacom Digital Buildings: How integrated digital technology is changing buildings for the better SRK – media release – Decarbonisation will need more, better mining SRK Consulting – Top SRK experts gather to integrate climate change services What SA agriculture4 needs from international – Syngenta WWISE Press Release